Tuesday, 15 April 2008

"Step Away From the Shredder..!"

I don't recall ever seeing Liberal Party Headquarters getting raided, even during the depths of Adscam. Do you?


Ti-Guy said...

As usual, I'm waiting for the evidence to say anything much about this.

But there's been an unmistakable stench emanating from the Harperites since the Right was "united."

Ryan said...

Wow. The saddest part is that I had to read your blog to hear anything about it.

No offense to your blog intended. I just can't believe this hasn't been reported. I had to actually click on the "Canada" section of the CBC to find it.

liberal supporter said...

Message from BT Talking Point Central:

Point out that the CPC has so much support that they have an embarrassment of riches. Sneer that the Liberals have never had a problem of having too much money, only a problem of too much of other peoples' money, stolen during ADSCAM.


Ti-Guy said...

I'd really like to avoid hearing from the partisans or imagining what the BT response is. We can all imagine exactly, to the letter, what it will be.

Anyway, they'll all show up soon enough once they've got the dominant narrative in place. So far it looks like "We've done nothing strictly illegal. Tom Flanagan even wrote about it in his book."

Hmm. Yes.

Sir Francis said...

No offense to your blog intended. I just can't believe this hasn't been reported.

No offence taken. Just chalk it up to the media's "liberal bias"...

liberal supporter said...

It would be great though, if it somehow got a real discussion of campaign financing going.

D said...

This would be truly momentous if this happened the day after an election was called. Instead, I fret that the real impact will be absorbed by time and meager attention from the "liberal" media.

Ti-Guy said...

This would be truly momentous if this happened the day after an election was called.

Not in a way that's good for elections or democracy. I don't think we need that kind of thing anymore. The last election and the announcement of the RCMP investigation into the income trust scandal tainted the politicians, the RCMP and the elections themselves.

It's time Canadians know things, as opposed to being manipulated (and largely turned off) by perceptions of what's going on.

This is our democracy and we need to take it back.

Sir Francis said...

Not in a way that's good for elections or democracy.

Agreed. I wasn't happy when I read about this, just sickened. Every new scandal carves another deep laceration into our civic body, and that's good for no one.

Ti-Guy said...

I wasn't happy when I read about this, just sickened.

Oh, I wasn't. I'm happy it's come out now, before an election. If there's nothing to it, we won't be distracted by it in an election. If there is something to it, we'll know that as well.

Of course, the Liberals might have other ideas...

I'm not a partisan to the extent that I'd prefer a different reality; I want the truth, as much as is humanly possible. I find the truth about reality exciting, energising, interesting, and challenging. I find the fabrications dull and malign.

It's that fact that has set my teeth on edge with the neoconservatives. They are indeed the people of the Big Lie. A few years from now, we'll know exactly to what extent that went.

People who choose to go through life believing fantasies or being indifferent to the truth...well, that's their choice. But I should not have to be ruled by it.